Thursday, January 17, 2019

The beginning of the winter

The beginning of the winter has some hopes for a really nice winter.

The fall 2018 was unusually nice and dry, with the longest grey weather period was being around a week. The unusually hot summer did make the sea water quite warm, and while the water temperature now is only a bit above freezing, there is no mentionable sea ice yet. I've had plans for two rather nice kayaking trips in the outer archipelago in January, but hard wind have prevented them. Thus I haven't been on the water since just before New Years Eve.

We did get snow, however, a little before Christmas and while there have been some thaws, the snow never disappeared completely.

The family fatbike fleet.

Some warmer days compacted the snow, but it snowed more.

I've had plans to go out on an overnighter a few times, but have had other obligations. A short overnighter with Toni was nice, though.

A forecasted snow inferno turned out to be a disappointment, but it is nice in the forest with a fatbike currently. We have about 20 cm of snow and it's currently snowing, so the winter is actually quite nice this time. And the day is already a full hour longer since the winter solstice.

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